Street in Weltevreden

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Snouck maintained good contacts with various Javanese and Sundanese friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, he had little interest in many of the Dutch people in the colony and was therefore not active in colonial social life. His days were characterised by long working days and the regular reception of Javanese and Sundanese guests. He also looked after several children from the Javanese and Sudanese elite who attended school in Batavia at the Willem III Gymnasium. He received them at his home every Sunday, where he required them to submit an essay in Dutch on a freely chosen subject. Among them was Husein Jayadiningrat, who would later go to Leiden to study and eventually get a doctorate with Snouck: the first Indonesian PhD in history.

Street in Weltevreden in Batavia, 1910, KITLV 33412