13. D.F. Sotzmann, Charte von den oberhalb und seitwärts dem Schwarzen Meere gelegenen Russischen und Türkischen Ländern. Berlin: Konigl. Acad. Der Wissenschaften, 1788. COLLBN Port 164 N 61
1768 Catherine the Great forced the Polish-Lithuanian Sejm to grant 'religious dissidents' equal rights. This led to revolts: Catholic nobility wanted a Catholic state without Russian interference, while Orthodox peasants wanted a Cossack state under Russia. The Jews wanted to be left alone. None got what they wanted. The Ottomans however, concerned about the growing Russian influence in the region that became New Russia [Neu Rusland], declared war. After military gains going back and forth Tatar Crimea became first 'independent' and got 1783 formally annexed by Catherine. Her victory enabled Russia to establish a Black Sea fleet. The empress visited the peninsula in 1787 as can be seen in the cartouche while sultan Abdul-Hamid carries a map of Crimea and demands that the Russians evacuate it. War started again. Green is Turkic, red is Russian, yellow is Polish.