30. Skhema gazosnabzjeniya gorodov USSR (in manuscript on printed map of Ukranian Socialist Soviet Republic from 1953). [Kiev/Kyiv?, ± 1967]. COLL.S/T W.2y.61
This scheme from around 1967 on the network of gas distribution in Soviet Ukraine designates its then known gas fields (in green), existing pipelines of natural gas (red lines) or under construction (red dashes), the pipelines of industrial gas under construction (blue dashes) above Donietsk and some pipelines projected by the USSR Council of Ministers (green dashes). It presents cities already gas-based or projected to gasification and it indicates existing filling stations of natural (red triangle) or industrial (blue triangle) gas. In the seventies gas from processing plants to the south of Lviv and to the south of Charkiv was taken from domestic consumers and transported to central Europe to bring in hard currency. With its old gas fields now almost depleted Ukraine became a gas-importing country. Since 2014 separatist armed militia backed by Putin prevented Ukraine from developing the (later discovered) huge gas reserves in the Donbas to keep the country dependent on Russian energy.