That Tjondronegoro could make these journeys was exceptional in itself: they were costly affairs. However, he belonged to the Javanese aristocracy, his father being the Regent of Demak, in Central Java. The Reverend Steven Adriaan Buddingh visited Tjondronegoro’s father in the 1850s and described him as ‘the most civilised indigenous Ruler among the many civilised Javanese Heads’. His sons were highly literate, and had been educated by European private tutors. The regent’s house was furnished in European style: ‘Entering, you would not believe that you saw a Javanese household in front of you.’ Like his father, Tjondronegoro V held an important administrative position. He was Regent of Kudus from 1858 to 1880, and Regent of Brebes (also in Central Java) from 1880 until his death in 1885.
The Regent of Kudus, Raden Mas Tumenggung Tjondronegoro V (also known as Purwalelana). [KITLV 408031]