Tjondronegoro incorporated his experiences into his travel account, Lampah-lampahipoen Raden Mas Arja Poerwalelana (De reizen van radèn mas arja Poerwolelono, The Travels of Radèn Mas Arja Purwalelana), published in Batavia in two volumes (1865-1866 and 1877-1880). It was one of the first Javanese texts to appear in print. Tjondronegoro published his account under the pseudonym of Purwalelana, which translates as ‘first traveller’. He too marvels at his country’s beauty, at times waxing so lyrical in his enthusiasm that he changes to poetry to sing nature’s praises. Purwalelana’s travel text reflects a hybrid perspective between ‘East’ and ‘West’. The nobleman was proud of his own culture, of Islam and Javanese nature, but he also appreciated what the Dutch had achieved in the East Indies. He admired the architecture and technological progress they had brought. At the same time, he expressed cautious criticism at the coloniser, as when he stressed the military presence of the Dutch.
Some pages from Purwalelana’s travel account, from: Tjarijos bab lampah-lampahipun Raden Mas Arja Poerwalelana. Samarang 1877.[KITLV3 M ii 588]