‘Messieurs! It may already have been brought to your attention that we have devised a plan to make Java better known to Dutch visitors travelling for leisure or pleasure.’ With this letter dated 21 October 1908, Lissone & Zoon, ‘the first Dutch tour operators’ in their own words, sought to establish contact with the board of the State Railways in Batavia. Six days later, the first group tour to Java, organised by their company, set off from Amsterdam. The letter is a request for the State Railways’ cooperation in reserving train seats and assistance at the stations themselves. At the same time, Lissone & Zoon expresses its wish to be appointed an agent of the State Railways in the Netherlands.
Letter from Lissone & Zoon, ‘Eerste Nederlandsche Ondernemers van Gezelschapreizen’, to the board of State Railways – Western Lines (Westerlijnen) Batavia. Amsterdam, 21 October 1908. ANRI. [Nationaal Archief Jakarta, alsec mgs no5723, 11 and 12]