At the beginning of the twentieth century, Indies newspapers more and more frequently raised the question why no attempt was being made to promote tourism in the Dutch East Indies. Countries and cities all over the world saw a steady influx of travellers with money to spend, and it was high time that they also visited the East Indies in greater numbers. Responding to this wish, the government was instrumental in founding the Travellers Official Tourist Bureau (Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer, VTV) in Batavia in March 1908. This was the largest and most important organisation to promote tourism in the Dutch East Indies. The government closely monitored its activities throughout its existence. The statutes of the Official Tourist Bureau stipulate that the government delegate shall have the authority ‘to inspect all the Bureau’s documents and to attend the meetings of the Bureau and its executive board.’
The statutes of the Travellers Official Information Bureau (Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer) in Batavia, 1908. [ANRI]