Both Indonesia and the Netherlands have over the past years witnessed a flourishing of historical research into colonial tourism in the Indonesian archipelago. The Dutch language and literature scholar Achmad Sunjayadi has chronicled the history of the Travellers Official Information Bureau in his 2007 book Vereeniging Toeristen Verkeer Batavia (1908-1942). Awal turisme modern di Hindia Belanda. Of a more recent date is his study on tourism in the Dutch East Indies from 1891 to 1942, for which he received his doctorate at the Universitas Indonesia. In this study he places Dutch East Indies tourism in its institutional context.
Achmad Sunjayadi, Pariwisata di Hindia-Belanda (1891-1942). Jakarta: KPG Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia 2019. [4529 E 20]