In 1875 Willem Frederik Versteeg (1824-1913) published an atlas in Indonesian, for the Dutch East Indian market. Versteeg was lieutenant-general in the colonial army and chief of the Topographic Bureau in Batavia. The atlas was published by Gualtherus Kolff in Leiden. The atlas contains a relatively large number of maps of Asia: the various islands of Indonesia and of the adjacent regions. Vietnam can be seen in most detail on the map of China. Vietnam is indicated as ‘Tanah Annam’ and ‘Tanah Koetji Prantjes’ (French Cochin) in the south. The northern region is indicated as ‘Tanah Tongking’, within the bordered area of Annam. ‘Tanah’ is Indonesian for ‘land’.
W.F. Versteeg, Atlas ja itoe kitab jang isinja Gambar-Gambar Doenia dan Sekaliën Tanah. Leiden : Kolff, 1875 (COLLBN Atlas 584)