In 1949, publishing house Djambatan (Indonesian for ‘bridge’) was founded in Amsterdam, with the goal to make available as much information as possible for countries that had become independent after World War II. They mainly focused on Indonesia. Adinegoro, pseudonym for the Indonesian press pioneer and journalist Achmad Djamaluddin (1904-1967), compiled the first atlas in Indonesian in 1950 (‘Atlas of the homeland and the world’). Together with Adam Bachtiar, Willem Heinemeyer, Jan Erik Romein and Sutopo, Adinegoro compiled a comprehensive world atlas in 1952. The maps of southeast-Asia in these atlases show a large Vietnam, including Laos and Cambodia. The political status of former French Indochina was unclear during this period of Vietnamese independence.
Adinegoro, Tanah air dan dunia. [Jakarta] : Djambatan, [ca. 1950] (COLLBN Atlas 896).
Adinegoro e.a., Atlas semesta dunia. [Amsterdam] : Djambatan, 1952 (COLLBN Atlas 362).