The power of the Zaydi imamate was untenable without the support of local tribes. The tribes of Yemen have a long history and are proud of their ancient roots, represented in their genealogies. This document, compiled on the request of Snouck Hurgronje, gives an overview of the major tribes of Yemen in the late nineteenth century, together with the number of armed men each tribe can put forward. The tribesmen were employed as soldiers of the imam. The photograph in this selection shows their loyal horses as well.
Spreadsheet, in: Collective volume with 2 texts in Arabic, [Yemen] 1065 [1655] (Or. 6999)
Cornelis Adriaanse, Soldaten van de paleiswacht (Sanʿāʾ) / [Palace guards (Sanaa)], in: [photo album] Zuid-Arabië. Reis van den Heer Andriaanse (1932) / [South Arabia. Journey of Mr. Adriaanse (1932)], photo 42 (Or. 26.373: 42)
Cornelis Adriaanse, Twee man van 's imam's lijfwacht, die hun uitstekende paarden waard zijn / [Two men of the Imam's guards, who deserve their excellent horses], in: [photo album] Zuid-Arabië. Reis van den Heer Andriaanse (1932) / [South Arabia. Journey of Mr. Adriaanse (1932)], photo 44 (Or. 26.373: 44)