Music and dance

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So far, the image of Yemeni society is quite stern, with a focus on state, administration, and war. This was, however, a society in which music and dance were as important. Leiden University Library houses a unique collection of wax cylinders, containing recordings of Yemeni music, made for Snouck Hurgronje in Mecca. The audio file is a recording of a song by the Yemeni poet Jabir Ahmad Rizq (1842-1905).

Cornelis Adriaanse, Dansende soldaten, Sanʿāʾ / Dancing soldiers, Sana’a, in: [photo album] Zuid-Arabië. Reis van den Heer Andriaanse (1932) / [South Arabia. Journey of Mr. Adriaanse (1932)], photo 37 (Or. 26.373: 37)