The Jewish quarter during the visit of G. Flieringa & C. Adriaanse in 1934

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The Jewish quarter of Sanaa was built at the end of the seventeenth century. It was intended to serve as a ghetto after the attempted expulsion of the Jews from Yemen known as the Mawzaʿ Exile (1679). Flieringa visited the market of the Jewish quarter on a sabbath when it was empty. He did not design his itin-erary. It is possible, his host, Imam Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn sought to minimize the contacts of his European visitors with the local population.

Gellius Flieringa, Ingang van de Jodensoek, Sanʿāʾ / Entrance to the Jewish quarters, Sanaa in: [photo album] Zuid-Arabië. Reis van den Heer Flieringa (1934-1935) / [South Arabia. Journey of Mr. Flieringa (1934-1935)], photo 29 (Or. 26.375: 29)